Our Managed Data Center services can help ensure proper staffing and expertise, integration of new technology solutions, data security, business reporting, 24×7 operations, centralized service desk, and operations management.

Our team will provide you with around-the-clock L1, L2 and L3 service capabilities based on established metrics and your specific needs. Experienced IT personnel, ITIL standards and Six-Sigma processes can keep every aspect of your data center running with optimal efficiency. And that means you’ll have more efficient, reliable access to the important data that feeds your critical business needs.

Data Center Operations Services include:

Tape and Media Operations

  • Manual mounts
  • Media inventory and reconciliation
  • Vaulting of media
  • Vital record maintenance
  • Server tape

Console Operations

  • Monitor jobs
  • Process batch jobs
  • Respond to errors

Facilities Monitoring

  • Facility and floor walkthroughs and inspections
  • Monitor and respond to facility alarms
  • Confirm operational readiness of electrical equipment (i.e. PDU, ATS, UPS)
  • Monitor security cameras and respond to alarms
  • Manage visitor sign-in sheets, provide vendor escort on raised floor

Smart Hands and Feet

  • Cycle hardware or provide power-on reset when needed
  • Project support for install or decommissioning of infrastructure assets (rack and stack)
  • Receive and prepare equipment for shipping
  • Maintain cabling, rack elevations, and installation diagrams
  • Perform physical inventory of data center assets
  • Escort third party maintenance providers

Let one of our data center operations experts tell you about our available onsite and remote support services. Contact us today.